West Diablo CYO League Basketball Rules
(updated 11/5/2024)
West Diablo CYO now adheres all Oakland Diocese CYO Rules, except for the following rule:
- Fourth Grade Boys & Girls: Stand at the regulation FT line, however, are permitted one normal step over the free throw line after shooting.
All other rules and guidelines set by the Diocese are fully enforced to ensure a consistent and fair experience for all participants.
- "All Play” Participation Rule: Each Oakland Diocese CYO basketball team must play all healthy, uniformed players according to the following formula.
Note: Clauses #1 and #2 in bold below which is the full extent of the rule.
Clause #1: All healthy, uniformed players (up to twenty players total) must play the minimum of
a full continuous playing period during the first half. Playing period is defined as half a quarter.
If both teams have 10 or less players at the game, only the first quarter will each be divided in half for a total of
two playing periods. The time for each playing period will be on the clock.If either of the teams have > 10 players
at the game, then the second quarter will also be divided in half for a total of two playing periods. Again, the time
for each playing period will be on the clock.Once all healthy uniformed players (in attendance) have played 1 full
continuous playing period in the first half of the game, the first half participation rule has been satisfied.
The end of a playing period will be administered as a break in play
The team in possession of the ball shall retain it at the beginning of the subsequent playing period with a throw-in at
the spot on the sideline near the point of the last possession.
Clause #2: In addition, in each game, including the first half playing period, each healthy, uniformed player
(in attendance) shall play the minimum time equal to one quarter of the game. Athletic Directors shall monitor their
program's coaches for compliance. A repeated violation shall be a breach of sportsmanship.
Every player entering the game for the first time must enter at the beginning of the playing period and play the full
playing period. The only exceptions will be due to injury or disqualification.Any player arriving to a game after the
beginning of the last playing period must play the continuous time during the game, equal to a playing period, if sufficient
time remains.There shall be a center court jump ball to begin the game. The alternating possession procedure shall be
used to begin the second quarter and at the beginning of a playing period if no team had possession at the end of the
previous period.If a team has over twenty players, the third quarter shall be divided into playing periods.Injury or
Disqualification: If a player leaves a playing period due to injury and is able later to re-enter, the player must play
a subsequent full playing period. If unable to reenter until the second half, the player must play the equivalent of
a full, continuous playing period on the clock. A substitute for an injured or disqualified player must play a complete
full playing period.All players on the team must be placed on the official score sheet before the start of the game.
If a player is sick or injured, each must still be listed with the appropriate notation. To play in the game, players
must arrive before the end of the expiration of half-time. Any player arriving to a game after the beginning of the
last playing period in the first half, must play continuous time during the game equal to a playing period.
- "All Play” Participation Rule: Each Oakland Diocese CYO basketball team must play all healthy, uniformed players according to the following formula.
- Time Periods:
- 2nd- 5th Grade All Levels Four (4), 6-minute stopped clock quarters
- 6th- 8th Grade All Levels Four (4), 7-minute stopped clock quarters.
- Time Periods:
- Overtime Rules: Overtime periods shall be 3 minutes in length. The Oakland Diocesan CYO leagues shall play overtime periods either as in the National Federation Basketball Rule Book or the Diocesan Overtime Rule.The Oakland Diocesan Overtime Rule is as follows:
In the event of a tie score at the end of a regulation game, there will be a maximum of two 3-minute overtime periods. If the score is tied at the completion of the second overtime period, a one-minute rest period shall be taken, followed by a "sudden death" period played under the following rules:- If either team leads by two points (either by two free throws or a field goal) at any time during this period, that team shall immediately be declared winner.
- If after three minutes of the sudden death period neither team has accomplished a two-point lead, the team leading by one point shall be declared the winner.
- If the score is tied at this point, a one-minute rest period shall be taken and then a three-minute sudden death period will be played. The first team to score (either by a free throw or a field goal) shall immediately be declared the winner.
- Overtime Rules: Overtime periods shall be 3 minutes in length. The Oakland Diocesan CYO leagues shall play overtime periods either as in the National Federation Basketball Rule Book or the Diocesan Overtime Rule.The Oakland Diocesan Overtime Rule is as follows:
- Press Rule:
- No Press at any level in 2nd Grade (Includes 1st & 2nd Overtimes AND Sudden Death).
- NO PRESS (for all levels) means that no defensive action may be taken in the back court, including pass interception. It also means that the team with the ball must be allowed to safely dribble the ball into the front court. Violation will result in one warning being issued by the referee, followed by a technical foul (& a team technical assessed - counts toward Bonus) issued on each subsequent violation.
- Overtime: ALL levels in 3rd Grade & 4th Grade Boys National & Girls National, the first two OT, teams can only press in the Final Minute of the OT period. Press is allowed entire duration of Sudden Death.
- Press Rule:
Grade | Boys National | Boys American | Girls National | Girls American |
3rd Grade | Press only the final minute of the game | Press only the final minute of the game | Press only the final minute of the game | Press only the final minute of the game |
4th Grade | Press only the final minute of the game | Can press up to a 10-point lead | Press only the final minute of the game | Can press up to a 10-point lead |
5th Grade | Can press up to a 10-point lead | Can press up to a 10-point lead | Can press up to a 10-point lead | Can press up to a 10-point lead |
6th Grade | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead |
7th Grade | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead |
8th Grade | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead | Can press up to a 15-point lead |
- Technical Fouls: All technical fouls are administered as two shot fouls with possession of the ball.
- Technical fouls count as team fouls for bonus free throw purposes.
- Any coach who receives two technical fouls for unsportsmanlike conduct during a game will be ejected from the game and will be suspended for the next two games. That coach will also be asked to appear before the West Diablo Sportsmanship Committee.
- Any coach who physically abuses a player, spectator or an official will be immediately ejected from the game and may be suspended for the remainder of the season or disqualified from future CYO participation.
- Any player who receives two technical fouls during a game will be ejected from the game and will be suspended for the next game.
- Any player who physically abuses a fellow player, spectator or an official will be immediately ejected from the game and may be suspended for the remainder of the season and/or disqualified from future CYO participation.
- NFHS New Rule 4-47-5, 10-2-1g, 10-4-5b: Changes the penalty for failing to immediately pass the ball to the nearer official when a whistle sounds from a player technical to a warning for delay for the first violation and a team technical for any subsequent offense.
- NFHS New Rule 4-49, 10-2-1g, 10-4-6f:
- “Flopping/Faking being fouled” is highly discouraged.
- Changes the penalty for faking being fouled from a player technical to a warning for the first violation and a team technical for any subsequent offense and adds a definition and examples.
- “Flopping/Faking being fouled” is highly discouraged.
- Technical Fouls: All technical fouls are administered as two shot fouls with possession of the ball.
- Three Second Rule: No offensive player shall be permitted to remain within the offensive "key" for more than three (3) seconds. The 3-second count starts over with each legitimate attempt at a shot.
- Backcourt: Backcourt is called at all levels of play. To violate the backcourt rule, both the ball and body (both feet) must first be completely established in the front court.
- Ten Second to advance ball to the frontcourt: From the moment the ball is inbounded and touched by an offensive player, that team will have ten seconds to bring the ball across half court. Failure to do so will result in a violation and the defensive team will gain possession of the ball.
- Five Second Frontcourt Closely Guarded situations: Defender must establish & maintain legal guarding position on ball handler within Six (6) feet for the count to begin and remain on. Distinctions: Girls (HOLDING ONLY) & Boys (HOLDING & DRIBBLING - once dribbler is head & shoulders past, count ends).
- Three (3)-Point Goals: The three-point shot is adopted for All Levels in ONLY 6th, 7th & 8th Grades.
- Free Throw Guidelines by Grade Level
2nd Grade & 3rd Grade (Girls & Boys, All Levels)- Players shoot from a modified free throw line (~3 feet closer than the regulation line).
- Players are not allowed to step on or over the modified line.
- Halftime Free Throw Rule: Each player will attempt one free throw at halftime at the basket in front of their bench. If teams have different numbers of players, the team with fewer players will select additional players to match the total number of attempts of the opposing team. Each ‘made’ free throw counts as one point and is added to the team’s score.
4th Grade (Girls & Boys, All Levels)
- Players shoot from the regulation free throw line but are allowed to take one normal step over the line after shooting.
5th to 8th Grade (All Levels)
- Players shoot from the regulation free throw line and must remain behind the line until the ball hits the rim or backboard.
For all levels, there are 4 defensive & 2 offensive players allowed to line up on the FT lane lines. Other than the shooter, all others must be located outside the 3-point line above FT line extended (i.e., first space is the space above the block & it is required to be occupied by defender on both sides; second spaces may be occupied by offensive players; third spaces may be occupied by defenders; FT shooter at the appropriate FT line (see detailed chart below); the remaining 3 players (& any others not lined up on lane lines) need to stand above the FTLE and outside the 3-point line.)
- When FT shooter releases the ball, players lined up in lane spaces may enter the paint to rebound.
- The FT shooter AND the players located outside the lane spaces must wait until the ball strikes the backboard/rim before entering.
- The ball must hit the rim to remain in play, otherwise a FT violation has occurred.
- Free Throw Guidelines by Grade Level
- Bonus Free Throws: Two free throws awarded for a common foul beginning with the team’s fifth foul in each quarter. Team fouls will reset at the end of each quarter.
- Substitutions:
- All substitutes must report to the scorekeeper prior to entering the game.
- Substitutes may enter a game only after the referee has beckoned them onto the court.
- At the end of the first playing period in each of the 1st & 2nd quarters, substitutes shall report to the scorekeeper prior to the end of the playing period. At the end of a playing period, remaining players are to remain on the court ready to play and substitutes will enter as in any other inbound play. This is a substitution only; it is not to be administered as a timeout.
- Substitutions during Free Throws: All subs enter before the final Free Throw attempt (i.e., before the last attempt if one, two or three). And, if applicable, following a successful final attempt, any legal substitutes available & at the table are allowed to enter the game prior to the throw-in taking place.
- Beckoning of Coach by Referee: 2024-2025 NFHS New Rule 3-3-6
- Requires a player who has been injured to be removed from the game if the coach is beckoned by the official, whether the coach enters the playing area or not, or if bench personnel (i.e., a coach or athletic trainer) enters the court without being beckoned. The coach may still use a time-out to continue assessing the injury and keep the injured player in the game.
- Dealing with Minor Blood: 2024-2025 NFHS New Rule 3-3-7
- Allow 20 seconds for a player to address any minor blood on the body or uniform without leaving the game. If the blood cannot be appropriately covered/cleaned within 20 seconds, the head coach may take a time-out to address the issue or substitute for the player.
- Substitutions:
- Length of Game/Timeouts: A CYO basketball game shall consist of four quarters. All games shall have one minute rest periods between quarters. All games shall have a minimum five-minute rest period between halves. Quarters shall consist of no more than eight minutes stop time or ten minutes running time. Four timeouts of one minute duration may be charged to each team during a regulation game. Each team is credited with one additional time out per overtime period.
- NFHS RULES CHANGES Reminders from 2023-2024 & New Rule from 2024-2025
- Frontcourt Throw-in Spots: Following a defensive violation, a defensive foul which occurs prior to the Bonus, or the ball becomes dead, and the offensive team shall inbound the ball in the frontcourt, the throw-in will occur at one of four designated spots determined by where the infraction took place.
- The designated spots are either the nearest 28-foot mark along each sideline or the nearest spot 3 feet outside the lane line on the end line.
- Exception: The one exception is when the defensive team causes a ball to be out of bounds, the throw-in shall be the spot where the ball went out of bounds.
- Throw-in to the wrong team: When an official administers a throw-in to the wrong team, the error can be fixed before the first dead ball after the ball becomes live unless there has been a change in possession or change in status of the ball (e.g. shot attempt vs. loose ball distinction).
Player Out-of-Bounds:
- When momentum (e.g., hustle play) takes a player out-of-bounds, that player MAY be the first to touch the ball after returning to the playing court if the player did not gain an advantage by exiting the court. NOTE: A player will be penalized if a player leaves the court on the player’s own volition or avoids a violation and then is first to touch ball once returning to court.
- NFHS RULES CHANGE 2024-2025 RULE7-1-1: Establishes that a player is out of bounds if contact by a teammate or other bench personnel outside the boundary line provides an advantage, allowing the player to remain in bounds.
- Frontcourt Throw-in Spots: Following a defensive violation, a defensive foul which occurs prior to the Bonus, or the ball becomes dead, and the offensive team shall inbound the ball in the frontcourt, the throw-in will occur at one of four designated spots determined by where the infraction took place.
- NFHS RULES CHANGES Reminders from 2023-2024 & New Rule from 2024-2025
- Uniforms: Shirts must be tucked in during game play.
- T-Shirts or compression shorts worn under the uniform shirt are strongly encouraged to match the primary color of the uniform, or be black, gray, or white. The colors of all players on the team are strongly encouraged to be the same. NOTE: Other CYO leagues & Diocesan games may conform with the NFHS undergarment(s)guidelines which mandate undergarment(s)/uniform compliance.
- The home team shall wear the lighter-colored jersey; Away team will wear the darker-colored jersey.
- Uniforms: Shirts must be tucked in during game play.
- Coaches must be seated: Coaches must be seated during the game. West Diablo officials may allow a coach to stand briefly to issue coaching instructions to his/her players, but then the coach must immediately be seated. A coach is NOT allowed to "pace" the sidelines. A coach who stands and remains standing, shall be warned once. A technical foul will be given for subsequent violation of this rule.
- Coaches Certification: Only CYO certified coaches can sit on the team bench during a game. Coaches’ certification cards may be checked prior to each game. If no certified coach is present with a team, the game will be forfeited. If a coach says he/she is certified but can't immediately produce his card, play the game. Make a note on the back of the score sheet and advise the coach that he/she has 48 hours to submit proof of certification to the referee coordinator to prevent forfeit.
- GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME (A team must have 5 or more players present at game time): Regardless of the forfeit, both teams must pay the referees at the scheduled game time. (i.e., A representative from that team – Coach or team Representative of forfeiting team – must show up & compensate the referee).
- Basketball - Regulation Size as follows:
- All girls: Play with a 28.5" (circumference) size ball.
- 3rd, 4th, 5th Boys: Play with a 28.5" (circumference) size ball.
- 6th, 7th, 8th Boys: Play with a regulation size basketball.
Section 1 – Rules and Regulations
- All rosters and supporting materials must be submitted to the President by a designated date established by the Board. Any team who has not submitted a roster shall forfeit all games until the roster is submitted. Any player who has not had appropriate documentation regarding proof of age submitted shall be ineligible and shall cause the forfeit of all games that he/she played until the documentation is submitted.
- Players may be added to the roster up to the last day before the first league game as per diocesan CYO bylaws. The President or eligibility chairperson shall be notified before that day of additions, or that player shall not be eligible.
Classification of Divisions
Section 1 – Classification of Divisions
The “a” division will be known as the American Division. The “b” division will be known as the National Division. The assignment of teams to American or National Divisions shall be by the league board of directors. Generally, the first team entered in a grade by a parish shall be an American Division team unless assigned by the league board of directors to the National League. Parishes must petition the league to not play at the American level. The league will review the success of the team at the level they are playing to determine if they need to play American or National. The board, however, also takes into consideration the number of teams in each league. The board has the final decision in determining the level of play that the parish needs to participate in.
Section 19 – Forfeits
- Game time is forfeit time and is recorded as a loss.
- Regardless of the forfeit, the Coach or team Representative must still arrive to the game, on-time, to pay the referees the game fee.
- Teams could also be assessed a $75 fine.
Section 1 – Protests
- All protests must be filed in writing, in triplicate, and sent to the league president within three days after the protest occurred.
- Protests must concern a point of rule or the eligibility of a player. In matters of judgment, a referee’s decision is final.
- Protests must be made to the referee at the time of the alleged infraction(s) or protest will not be considered, except in the case of a player’s eligibility. Protesting coach must enter in writing on the back of the score sheet: 1. Protest, 2. Score, 3. Quarter and the time of the alleged infraction, 4. Team and personal fouls, time outs remaining. No more than the word “Protest” shall be put down on the back of the sheet at that time so the game can continue immediately. At the end of the game comments of rule may be put down, if so desired.
- Written protest must contain the date, time, league, teams, place of games, and the rule and section violated must be cited, protest must be signed by athletic director and coach.
- Each individual protest must be accompanied by a protest fee of $25.00 which is refundable only if the protest is upheld.
- A team voluntarily not finishing a game forfeits the game and cannot protest the incident which caused them to not finish.
- Videos/Pictures/etc., are not allowed as evidence in a protest procedure.
- Failure to comply with the protest procedures in this section will automatically cause the protest to be invalid.
Player Eligibility
West Diablo abides by the Oakland Diocese player eligibility rules. Priority (i.e., the first priority) on participation is for those children attending the parish parochial school, followed by Faith Formation (two consecutive years minimum), followed by residency in parish boundaries. Exceptions to this can only be granted by Diocesan CYO Office which may grant permission individually for participation of a Catholic child from a parish too small to host a CYO program. Starting in 2012, West Diablo has been forming a 2nd grade division for those parishes that wish to provide a team. If each year, we do not have enough teams to form a division, 2nd grade teams will play at the 3rd grade level. We do not currently allow 2nd grade players to transfer parishes if their parish does not have a second-grade team.
Equipment and Uniforms
Section 1 – Equipment and Uniforms
- All equipment purchased for the league shall be kept by an assigned parish
- Any parish admitted to the league shall clear the selection of the team colors with the Board of Directors
- Parish team colors shall be assigned by the league Board of Directors.
Game Procedures
Section 1 – Game Procedures
- Game time is forfeit time. A fee of $75 could be charged to the forfeiting team. The forfeit fee will be paid within 30 days, or each game played during that time will be forfeited with a $25 fine until all fines are paid. Additionally, the game fee owed to the referee must be paid at the game time, regardless of the team forfeiting (i.e., Coach or Team Representative of the team needs to show up on time to pay the official.
- Five or more players from each team must be present to start the game.
- Games may not be postponed by coaches. The penalty for such action will be forfeiture.
- Under no circumstances will a coach call the League Scheduler for any changes. League game changes will only occur when the league is responsible for scheduling problems, such as, gym closures, scheduling errors, or when there is a conflict with a parish schools’ event.
- Shirts worn under the uniform shirt must match the primary color of the uniform shirt. Any team not having regular uniform tops must appear in numbered tee shirts.
- When “No press” applies at a grade level (see chart on– Player and ball must be allowed to cross half court before being guarded by a member of the opposing team.
Game Officials
Section 1 – Game Officials
- The league is utilizing ref-ology + Blast Equality Collab, 501(c)(3) collaborates with the league to assign two referees for each game as well as train and develop referee leaders. If one referee fails to appear by game time, the game will be officially played with only one official and will be considered an official league game. If neither official is present, the game will be rescheduled.
- For anyone interested in officiating, please have them register on www.ref-ology.com and they will be contacted and given the information needed to join to program.